As seen in Escapees Magazine and Wisconsin Lawyer!
"Easily Provide Your Family With
All They'll Need to Know
During Any Family Emergency!
This A-B-C Simple and Easy Vital Records System
will Protect Your Family in an Emergency!
Dear Concerned Family Provider,
My family can tell you from personal experience the importance of having on hand vital information in case of an emergency. When Hurricane Ike hit the Gulf of Mexico in 2008 my daughter's home and all her belongings were swept away.
All that was left was a few of the pillars to hold the house up off the ground. When we were finally able to get on the peninsula to see for ourselves, we found that we had to prove ownership to even be admitted to the area.
Well, how can you do that if everything you have to prove ownership is lost?
When difficulty strikes, you're stressed, confused and overwhelmed. The last thing you need is the difficulty of sorting through papers, looking for specific information that could protect your home, help you avoid frustrating legal issues, or even save a life.
In a perfect world, you'd have all of your documents organized and updated in a filing cabinet. But even then, it's unrealistic to think you're going to unload those drawers and take the information with you.
The problem is - getting all your most important information into one, easy-to-access system isn't easy. When I set out to pull all my vital information together, it took days of checking out different financial institutions, planning organizations, etc. And that was just to figure out what I needed to have documented!
The fact is that there may come a day when your family may need important information you won't be able to provide. The truth is, for most of us, it's not a matter of IF an emergency will occur, but WHEN.
Frustrated with all the hassle of trying to figure out what information I really needed and how to put it together for my family, I decided to create a simple and complete kit so that others can have all the information they need in an emergency - at their fingertips, with none of the hassles I had to go through!
Finally, there's a simple and quick solution to creating your vital record system!
All They'll Need to Know, my easy vital record system, provides the forms to help you answer some very important questions that will be invaluable to your family in your absence.
All They'll Need to Know will help your loved ones to make decisions according to your wishes if you are not there to advise them due to illness, death, or other emergency. I've put the forms together in a simple format to save you time and research.
The 32-page book contains forms for providing:
- Vital Statistics
- Professional Records
- Military Records
- Funeral Instructions
- Names of those to Notify
- Financial Information regarding:
- Checking and Savings Accounts
- Location and Contents of Safe Deposit Box
- Certificates of Deposit
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Mutual Funds
- Savings Plans
- Retirement Programs
- Trust Accounts
- Real Estate
- Loans Payable and Receivable
- Insurance
- Automobiles
- Credit Cards
1. Carry All They'll Need to Know on extended vacations. This lightweight and portable booklet will provide access to credit card information in case of lost or stolen card; insurance information in case of accident at home or away; contact information for friends and family.
2. Take All They'll Need to Know with you to complete loan applications and have access to all creditor information, including name, address, phone, account number, beginning balance, payment amount, payment date, etc.
3. Use All They'll Need to Know as a reference tool at home for login information and quick access to account numbers and other pertinent information.
4. All They'll Need to Know is perfect for estate planning. Your financial planner will love it if you walk in prepared, and it will also save you countless hours of time!
5. All They'll Need to Know provides all you need in one easy to use package! One book is designed to accommodate personal information for a couple, so only one is needed per household.
Word of caution: This book, once completed, contains sensitive information that should be kept secure.
Take a look at what some of our readers have to say:
Here's what the media is saying about it!
Speaking personally, when my mother died recently, in spite of the fact that it was inevitable and expected, it was amazing how unprepared we were to handle all the details. We got my mother?s birthday wrong in the obituary and we couldn't locate some distant relatives without a lot of effort. All of this would have been so much easier with this booklet. ~ Marcella Gauthier, Escapees Magazine (Sharing the RV Lifestyle) Jan/Feb 2003 |
If YOU were the one left to make arrangements for your loved ones, would YOU know what to do?
This easy solution to preparing your family's important information will save you time, eliminate frustration and could even protect the life of someone in your family! All They'll Need to Know provides the forms to help you discuss and settle a variety of legal issues. . . saving your family endless hours of stress and hardship during an emergency situation.
With your All They'll Need to Know easy record system, you'll rest assured your family will be prepared in case of an emergency. Think of the peace and comfort your family will have, knowing all they'll need is at their fingertips, easily available at a moment?s notice!
What's my Investment?
If you were to compile the research for the vital records you'd need in case of emergency, it could take weeks. If you valued your time (and sanity) at $15 an hour, you could look at spending $200 or more interviewing experts, copying forms, traveling from one institution to another.
And let's face it. Most of us get started on a project and then if we have a question; the whole deal gets placed on the back burner.
Simply click the link below to be directed to my Etsy shop (Prepared In Every Way) to ensure your family's safety and protection.

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