By: Ellen Goodstein –
- Shopping around for funeral services can save you thousands of dollars.
- Funeral directors must provide a price list
- Shop around.
- Get price lists by phone or in person from at least 3 funeral homes before making a decision.
- Funeral directors are not clergy.
- They’re in the business to make money
- Be sure they are licensed and have a good reputation
- Speak with the funeral director before visiting
- Embalming is rarely required when the person will be buried within 24-48 hours.
- US & Canada are the only countries who embalm.
- Centers for Disease Control says embalming doesn’t serve any public health purpose
- Refrigeration is a legal alternative – just as good if not better
- Embalming not required for viewing – except in MN
- Know your rights!
- US & Canada are the only countries who embalm.
- Seeing your loved one prior to burial without the benefit of embalming will not leave you with unresolved grief issues.
- This is a myth!
- Embalming is extremely invasive – it is a temporary cosmetic and preservative process.
- Sealed caskets cannot preserve a body
- The cost of “seals” is about $12.
- Sealed caskets cost hundreds of dollars more than unsealed caskets.
- Caskets cannot protect or preserve the body!
- Sealer vaults offer no advantage except to the income of the funeral director.
- A funeral provider may not refuse or charge a fee to handle a casket you bought elsewhere.
- You can buy a casket from anyone. Even the
- Federal “funeral rule” says it is illegal to charge a handling fee if you bring your own casket.
- You don’t need to spend more than $400 to $600 for a modest casket.
- A $1295 casket can be purchased wholesale for $325
- Low-priced caskets hidden or ordered in ugly colors
- You do not have to buy the whole bundle of services
- You can plan and carry out many things on your own to honor your loved one without paying for services from a funeral home.
- Save money by doing it yourself
- It’s more personal
- Local funeral and memorial societies can help consumers find ethical establishments and often negotiate discounts for their members.
- Funeral Consumers Alliance – 115 chapters in 46 states
- Run by volunteers
- Have info on local funeral homes & price surveys
- In Houston, the FCA of Houston is at 5200 Fannin.
- Phone: 713-526-4267 or 888-282-4267
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