March 18, 2017 marks the 12th anniversary of Terri Schiavo's death. It might have been avoided if Terri had put her wishes in writing. Read more about Terri Schiavo here
We need new legislation that protects those who cannot act for themselves, and are not being kept alive by life support. People like Terri who never put their wishes in writing. In the meantime, there is something you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Complete and sign these documents and have them witnessed by two people who are not related to you, or who will not benefit in any way from your death. Copies can be obtained at your nearest hospital, or you can find them online by doing a search for these documents for your state.
We need new legislation that protects those who cannot act for themselves, and are not being kept alive by life support. People like Terri who never put their wishes in writing. In the meantime, there is something you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Complete and sign these documents and have them witnessed by two people who are not related to you, or who will not benefit in any way from your death. Copies can be obtained at your nearest hospital, or you can find them online by doing a search for these documents for your state.
- Advance Directive
- Medical Power of Attorney
All They'll Need to Know is a 32-page booklet filled with forms that simplify the process of writing down not only personal information (funeral instructions, who to contact, distribution of personal effects), but financial information that will help the family when you can no longer act for yourself. It is a resource handbook that, once completed, will enable family members to make confident decisions according to your wishes. It will help relieve some of the stress in making decisions and will help save money because your survivors won't make irrational decisions at the time of need.
All They'll Need to Know provides forms for vital statistics, professional and military records, funeral instructions, names of those to notify, as well as financial information regarding checking and savings accounts, location and contents of safe deposit box, certificates of deposit, stocks, bonds and mutual funds, savings plans, retirement programs, trust accounts, real estate, loans payable and receivable, insurance, and even information on your automobiles and credit cards.
This book is available as a download through my Etsy shop for $14.95. Only one is necessary for a couple.

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